Portuguese cities are, without exception, safe, clean and welcoming, with Portugal occupying the 2nd position as the safest country in the World, after Iceland.

There is an online form where you can apply go get a house FOR FREE from people that are willing to lend you a house. You can access that form here:

Mне необходимо жилье.


Things you should consider when getting a temporary house for free

If you want to rent a house, another team of volunteers can help out at:


As with any country, smaller cities are cheaper and have better living standards, although sometimes may have less job opportunities.

You can have your rent subsidised by the Portuguese Government through the program “Porta de Entrada” from the IHRU (”Instituto da Habitação e Reabilitação Urbana”).

To get this subsidy, the local Municipality needs to send information about your family composition to IHRU, please contact the Municipality or a local refugee support organisation.

In Portugal we currently have several cities that are committed to helping Ukrainians have a soft landing, helping with the Visa, access to lodging, education for children and, potentially, a job.

Of these we highlight:

AirBnB is offering free accommodation for refugees! This may be useful during your first landing in Portugal. More information on their website:
