With the exception of professions that require direct contact with the general public, Portugal is usually quite accommodating of having workers that speak English as a working language.
When you arrive and you have handled your paperwork you must enrol at the Employment Institute, called IEFP (”Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional”) who will try to support you in finding a job.
You WILL NOT be able to sign a job contract until you have a NIF and a NISS. You can get these directly as soon as you ask for International protection.
You should also have you CV made in the Europass format, that you can find in the following link. Although this is not always mandatory, it is recommended. https://europa.eu/europass/eportfolio/screen/cv-editor?lang=en
As to finding jobs:
If you get a job directly using this list, please do let us know, so we can update the database!!!
The Portuguese government offers several support lines to companies willing to hire Ukrainians, as well as to Ukrainians looking for a job. Learn more about it at: https://www.iefp.pt/portugal-for-ukraine
or contact by phone, email or form: